Introduction to Tantra: It’s Not What You Think!

What is Tantra?

Tantra literally means “to weave.”

Tantra is not an event or single experience; it is a practice in the same way that Yoga is a practice.

The practice of yoga includes poses, breathing and meditation. The elements that make up the practice of tantra include movement, breath, sound, stillness, mediation and more.

The goal of the practice of tantra is to cultivate in-the-moment consciousness of body, mind and spirit, so that daily life can be experienced as a unified flow of present moments, as opposed to a series of events.

Life on Earth is full of distractions; both external and internal. Those distractions are what pull us out of the present moment. The greatest human challenge we face is quieting our internal chatter. It is that chatter that keeps us separated from our Divine origin; our truth; our purpose; our peace.

Tantra offers a very practical way to quiet the chatter and reunite with your divine self. As your practice of tantra grows so does your ability to experience even the most difficult moments of life with a heart full of joy, compassion, forgiveness, hope and purpose.

What Tantra is Not

In the Western World, Tantra has often been equated with sexual practices. Though there are practices that can be done with sexual partners, those experiences generally evolve over time, and after each partner has done the work needed to clear the way for that level of connection. The sexual elements of tantra are not the focus of this workshop.

Authentic tantra practices are not designed to be a pick-up technique for engaging in sex. Sexuality is but one thread in the body-mind-spirit weave, and usually doesn’t play a role until many other threads are well-anchored.

What will you experience?

In this workshop the focus is on developing the rudiments of mindfulness that are core to tantra. You will be introduced to practices like breath work, body movement and mindful connection in a light and playful environment of exploration.

Who is this workshop for?

Any adult who wants to explore their personal mind-body-spirit connection in a safe supportive environment.

This workshop is for you if:

  • You are looking to broaden your own spiritual practice
  • Clear inner obstacles keeping you from experiencing a more vitality-filled life
  • Open yourself to living more fully in the present moment
When, Where and How much?

July 7, 2018 from 3-5:30 PM


At Moth And Moon Studio in Bedford, NH

Space is limited so please click below to secure your spot. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.