Heart Lifting Mandala

It is normal to go through times when the heart feels heavy. Generally, those times pass fairly quickly.

However, the long-term isolation that the pandemic forced upon us has created an unusually extended period of heart heaviness for many of us. Through the magic of virtual tools we have been able to have some measure of connection, but there comes a point at which it just doesn’t feel like enough.

The conscious awareness of this ongoing heart-ache, made me realize I needed to create a process to help shift the energy of my own experience, and share it with others who are feeling the same way. Enter the Heart Lifting Mandala Workshop!

What is a Mandala?

A Mandala is a focal point for meditation representing an imaginary temple for contemplation during meditation. Each object in your temple has significance as a representation of an aspect of wisdom, or as a reminder of a guiding principle. The purpose of a Mandala is to help transform ordinary minds into enlightened ones, and to assist with healing. 

According to Buddhist tradition, Mandalas constructed from sand transmit positive energies to the environment and to the people who view them. These Mandalas are not meant to be permanent but are temporary and are believed to effect purification and healing. This is the style of Mandala we will create in this workshop.

What will you experience in this workshop?

We will take a meditative journey through each chakra and integrate it with the process of building your Heart Lifting Mandala.

Your Mandala will be made of items found in nature and imbued with meaning through intentions discovered along your meditative chakra journey.  The Mandala will become a focal point to help raise your vibration and allow you to absorb healing over the course of 9 days. It will be built on a portable surface so you can bring it outside and return it to nature allowing for the circle of healing be complete.

What to bring:

  • Nine or more intuitively gathered items from the natural world, like feathers, pinecones, leaves, twigs etc.
  • A large piece of cardboard or a cookie sheet that you can leave outside, undisturbed for nine days. 
  • Optional: a journal or notebook for capturing thoughts or insights.
When, Where and How Much?

Date and time: Saturday, March 27, 2021 from 7:00 – 9:30 pm

Location: This will be a virtual ritual to honor everyone’s health and safety. We will meet on Zoom (I will supply you with all the information you need for access once you are registered.)

Investment: $35

Advance registration is required and Zoom space is limited

Use the PayPal button to register now!
(no PayPal account required)