Light and Shadow Mandala Workshop

Summer Solstice brings the longest day and shortest night of the year. When there is more light shining, there is naturally more shadow too.

We all have parts that prefer to remain hidden in dark corners. The opportunity to create shift begins with acknowledging the shadow self. By calling in the new possibilities embodied in the power of light, we can usher in desired outcomes to our life experience. 

Mandalas are a powerful tool for calling in more light; providing a focal point for contemplation (and in this case, observation.) The purpose of a mandala is to help transform ordinary minds into enlightened ones.

According to Buddhist tradition, mandalas constructed from sand transmit positive energies to the environment and to the people who view them. These mandalas are not meant to be permanent; they are temporary and are believed to effect purification and healing. This is the style of mandala we will create in this workshop.

What to expect: 

I will take you on a meditative journey through the medicine wheel of thought, feeling, action and outcome, as the basis for building your nature-based mandala of change.

You will build your mandala on a portable surface so it can be brought outside and later return to nature, completing the cycle of light. Over the course of 21 days, you’ll use your mandala as a focal point to raise your vibration in alignment with the shift you seek.

What to bring:

  • Choose 9 (or more) items to work with from the natural world, like feathers, pinecones, leaves, twigs etc. Allow your intuition to guide you as you gather items, keeping in mind that there is no wrong way to do this.
  • A large piece of cardboard or a cookie sheet that you can leave outside, undisturbed for 21 days. 
  • Optional: a journal or notebook for capturing thoughts or insights.

When: Wednesday, June 29 from 7-9 pm

Where: Online viz Zoom (link provided after registration)


If you are interested but have questions; I am eager to answer them!