Honoring the Crone Puja

Puja is a Sanskrit word that means “worship” and “treating with honor and high reverence.”

A Puja ritual is an expression of adoration and devotion designed to connect us with the divine in and around us. Puja rituals often have a specific focus or intention, such as healing or world peace.

In this puja we will explore the divine Crone, within ourselves and each other, through experiential interaction.

This is a Tantric experience, which simply means it is a practice focused on opening the heart chakra.

While this is an experiential format, please know that you are always at choice and I encourage you to participate at whatever level feels safe and comfortable.

The invitation is always present for you to participate more or less actively, according to your own needs and desires in the moment.

Experiential explorations may include:

  • breathing techniques to relax the nervous system and open the heart
  • movement and rhythm as a means of energy calibration
  • exercises that incorporate communication and non-sexual touch

The intention is that you will experience a palpable connection to the Crone that abides or is awakening in you, and leave with an understanding of your ability to access Crone energy at will. 

Who should attend?

This event is designed specifically for women who are peri-menopausal,  menopausal or post-menopausal.

Any woman experiencing the body, mind and spirit shifts that accompany menopause is welcome. This is an opportunity to receive and give support to others during this ever-shifting stage of life transition, in the confines of a safe and supportive container.

December 14, 2019 from 7 – 9:30 pm

Matooka’s Healing Temple, Manchester NH (complete address will be supplied once you’ve registrered)


If you are interested but have some questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. This is topic I LOVE to discuss!