Emerging from the Bear Cave

Each year, as winter give ways to spring, I offer this ritual that prepares the way for a spiritual garden of productive intentions. This year it feels more important than ever to harness and direct our energy toward positive outcomes; for ourselves and the world.

What is the Emerging from the Bear Cave Ritual?

It is a ritual of clearing away the cobwebs of the winter dream-state and making way for those dreams to manifest. A sort of spring-cleaning for the spirit.

It is a way to connect to the renewal and rebirth activities of spring while shaking off winter stagnation. If you’re a gardener you can think of it like tilling the ground to prepare it for the seeds that will yield this year’s harvest.

What will you experience in this ritual?

We all experience the energy of changing seasons; feeling it quicken within us and stirring us forward. Life energy in the natural world becomes more active at this time of year. We can utilize this time to release stagnation and initiate strong intentions blessed by the fruitfulness of the strengthening sun.

I will guide you into the emergence of this energy with clear and fruitful intentions, through movement, a meditative journey and visualization.

When, Where and How Much?

Date and time: Friday, April 8, 2022 from 7:00 – 9:30 pm

Location: This is a virtual ritual to honor everyone’s health and safety. We will meet on Zoom (I will supply you with all the information you need for access once you are registered.)

Investment: $35

Advance registration is required and Zoom space is limited

Use the PayPal button to register now!
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