Embrace Your Pace

I just moved into a larger home. I am grateful that it is large enough to accommodate all my belongings, many of which I have not seen or touched in more than three years because they’ve been in storage.

Everything is in boxes. I can’t even find a piece of paper on which to write a to-do list! 

All I want to do is nest. I want to pour my energy into making this place my home. I want to explore and reconnect with the things I’ve been apart from. I want to set up my altar and create my magickal work space.

The dark time of year, when moonlit hours are in greater abundance that sunlit ones, is always a time when I feel pulled to do what I want to do, rather than what I must do; this year, even more so.

I feel the pull to go within. To hibernate and to be with myself and feel what lies deep within. It is what the natural world beckons of all living things in winter.

However, our culture resists this natural slow down. We are expected to keep moving at the same pace in every season. I can’t help but wonder if this dichotomy isn’t a factor in the seasonal depression so many people experience each winter. 

If any of what I’ve shared resonates, I hope you find comfort in knowing you are not alone. And if you’d like to drop me a note to share your experiences related to this time of year, I’d be happy to bear witness.

As a ritualist, I am grateful for the call to attend to the needs and desires of the spirit: mine and others! The Dreaming into the Bear Cave ritual is an especially important one for me each year. I have done this ritual by myself, for myself. And I have facilitated it for myself and others, as I will be doing again in January. You can read more about it here and I’ll look forward to sharing it with you if you feel called to join me.