Many cultures honor a grain Goddess.
Grains kept people alive when food became scarce in winter. Because our ancestors did not separate their basic needs from their spirituality, they performed rituals of fertility to ensure a good harvest. It’s a ritual that has roots in the time of transition from hunter-gatherer to farming.
What Corn Woman Means to Me
August 1st marks the time of the first harvest, which is grain. Each year I live a process of honoring the cycles and seasons by turning the wheel within me so that I am in alignment with nature and the energy of that time.
I sing songs, pray, bake corn bread and share the bounty with community, as I imagine my ancestors may have done. I honor the season and earth with ritual.
I have been working with the mother energy of Corn Woman for nearly 30 years.
Over time, I developed a sensitivity to grains and dairy that makes it difficult for my body to process these foods. It occurred to me that these foods are a form of mother energy; the one who nourishes from her body.
These food sensitivities serve as a continual message that the need for food that feeds my body is inextricably linked to that which feeds my spirit. The act of ritually feeding myself during the harvest is a way of giving thanks and consciously aligning with the earth and the life-giving grain it provides.

What you’ll experience in this ritual
In the Corn Woman Ritual we enter sacred space, in which you will:
- Hear a Cherokee story of Corn Woman, learned many years ago from my Mohawk spiritual mentor.
- Journey in meditation to experience the spirit of the lands of our ancestors and their connection to our own.
- Share in the ceremony of making corn bread; stirring the ingredients, baking and feasting on the nourishment with intention and gratitude. (it will be gluten free bread)
Who Should Attend
Anyone who feels called to honor and celebrate the harvest of grain in a ritual setting in a small and intimate space.
If you feel called to join me for this powerful ceremony, please register promptly, as space is limited to just 6 participants!
And if you are interested but have questions; I am eager to answer them!
When, Where and How Much